To Those Who See a Mystery

Liana Tilton '19
Yes, this is my mother
Her golden locks contrast my ebony
Yes, this is my mother
She sees with the ocean and I see with the soil
Yes, this is my mother
Her arrival, surrounded by the warm smells of cornbread
differs from mine surrounded by voices incomprehensible to her
Yes, this is my mother
When the sight of us causes you twice the take I ask you
Gold, black, blue, brown, why do colors of the rainbow alert you to pause?
Yes, this is my mother
She was not my creator, but she is my creator
Yes, this is my mother
Together we are the unbroken image of a mother and child
Yes, this is my mother
And she loves me very much

-2017 Magazine

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Abby Fossati
Prairie Resch

Photography/Art Editors
Jessica Chapman
Joanna Wei

Prose Editors
Alexander Yuen
Amanda Wang

Poetry Editors
Abigail Kruger
Caroline Asnes
Pearl Miller

Event Coordinators
Ella Ip
Fiona Li

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Julia Kosinski

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Ms. Renee Harlow